The Proofs Are In!

interior image of the painted trunk novel proof

The Novel Proofs Are Here!

The first novel proof for Sybil Ward‘s The Painted Trunk are here, and we’re so excited. These came in from LULU, and we’re very pleased. Oh, make no mistake. There are a few glitches here and there which we’re already cleaning up, but overall, we’re very proud.

Below are a few images of the proofs of the HOLE Cards hardcover editions. And yes, this is a spoiler, but we hadn’t planned a big cover reveal or anything like that. Those take place in stage 2, when the second book of each series is published.

Or maybe for THE ALICE BOOK. We’re really excited about that one.

But for now, take a look at HOLE Cards. You might spot the glitches, but they’ll be all gone when the book is launched. Shortly!

proof copy of HOLE CARDS  Hole Cards proof spine view

Hole Cards interior view