Publication Announcement!

holidays in august grove cover image thumbnail

This was a surprise! We woke on Halloween to discover a cute gremlin beneath the eaves. We rushed it off to the Amazon, and it’s now waiting for its day in the sun with the many other new booklings. May we introduce, The Holidays in August Grove Holidays is a collection of short stories with […]

The Proofs Are In!

interior image of the painted trunk novel proof

The Novel Proofs Are Here! The first novel proof for Sybil Ward‘s The Painted Trunk are here, and we’re so excited. These came in from LULU, and we’re very pleased. Oh, make no mistake. There are a few glitches here and there which we’re already cleaning up, but overall, we’re very proud. Below are a […]

FOG3 Investigations

Nowhere is the veil between life and death thinner than at the barrel of a gun. ……………………………………..Frank Oscar Gamble III Detective and Seer of Dead People FOG3 INVESTIGATIONS   This series asks the question: If you didn’t want to pass on, if you really had unfinished business on earth, could you, or at least some […]