The First August Grove Crossover!

cover for Death & Agrimony, yellow flower on a hill at night

Death & Agrimony Long before Tabitha Spencer received The Painted Trunk she was a college student trying to find her place in the world. But when she takes rooms in an old boardinghouse, she has no idea she’s about to experience her first supernatural mystery, and meet the fledgling detectives of FOG3 Investigations The full-length […]

The Proofs Are In!

interior image of the painted trunk novel proof

The Novel Proofs Are Here! The first novel proof for Sybil Ward‘s The Painted Trunk are here, and we’re so excited. These came in from LULU, and we’re very pleased. Oh, make no mistake. There are a few glitches here and there which we’re already cleaning up, but overall, we’re very proud. Below are a […]

FOG3 Investigations

Nowhere is the veil between life and death thinner than at the barrel of a gun. ……………………………………..Frank Oscar Gamble III Detective and Seer of Dead People FOG3 INVESTIGATIONS   This series asks the question: If you didn’t want to pass on, if you really had unfinished business on earth, could you, or at least some […]

The Painted Trunk

Mysteries and paranormal adventures are fun to read. Sometimes they’re even more fun to watch in movies or your favorite series. But when it comes to real life, to the peculiar and strange and downright dangerous lurking in the dark… or in your bedroom, it’s really not fun. At all.                               ………………………………………Tabitha Spencer Pruitt The […]

The Coffin Chronicles

Sometimes a single card can make or break a hand. But how you ultimately play those cards will decide who wins or loses. Dashira Coffin The Coffin Chronicles The Coffin Chronicles is a paranormal mystery series, part of the August Grove Collection. The opening trilogy introduces Dashira Coffin, her family and friends as Dash returns […]

August Grove Collection

In a world so much like our own that it’s often hard to discern the difference, a not-so-small Georgia town lies comfortably along the Savannah River. The would-be city is not too far from Atlanta and Athens to the east, and fairly close to Savannah to the west. And like every other city or town, […]

The Franklin Mysteries

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander Time; for that’s the Stuff Life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1746 The Franklin Mysteries With such an inquisitive and genius mind, is there any doubt Benjamin Franklin would have been an amazing detective? When a young man approaches him with a $100 […]